Presented on: Wednesday, December 6th at 12:00 PM EST
Join us to learn how the Scripps Gerontology Center has been connecting Miami students with older adults in the last 16 years by using the arts to build an age-inclusive society.
The Opening Minds through Art (OMA) program pairs students with people living with dementia and the ScrippsAVID program connects Miami alumni with current students via video chat. We will discuss the value of these relationships for both sides and the presentation will end with an invitation to an OMA virtual art show.
The OMA team, Elizabeth “Like” Lokon, PhD, MGS (’93, ‘97, ‘08); Meghan Young, MGS (‘16, ‘18); Krysta Peterson, BA (’12); and Amy Elliot, PhD, have shaped the field of creative aging nationally and internationally through intergenerational arts programming and research. Established in 2007 at Miami University’s Scripps Gerontology Center, the OMA program has received a number of awards including the Alzheimer’s care innovation awards from The Rosalinde Gilbert Foundation and Family Caregiver Alliance, and The Richard & Maude M. Ferry Foundation; a Program of Distinction designation from Generations United; a Quality Improvement Project designation from the Ohio Department of Aging; and a Fulbright Scholar award to establish OMA in Indonesia.
Support the OMA and ScrippsAVID programs:
This webinar is free to watch for Miami alumni and friends, but registration is required. PLease contact J.J. Slager, with questions.
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