Miami Presents: Staying Creative in the Middle of Things

Presented on: Monday, February 12th at 12:00 PM EST

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Join us virtually for Winter College – five days of lunchtime events and beverage experiences including a Charter Day celebration. All fun and no exams mean this is the college experience of your dreams.

Miami alumni and friends are encouraged to join Entrepreneurship Faculty & FSB Director of Innovation, David Eyman, for a laughter-filled and informative workshop designed to boost your creativity.

Creative thinking is often misunderstood in business or confused with art.  Make no mistake here, applying your imagination leads to the innovations that drive business, especially in today's fast-paced environment. 

Bring some paper and something to write with because you will be taking part in the exercises designed to stretch your thinking in areas we may not get to stretch daily.

David Eyman has 25+ years of experience in creative ventures (Consumer Product Design, inventing, and Creative Consulting) which he has been happily sharing with our students at Miami University for 7 years. 

The event is free to attend, but registration is required. Questions? Contact J.J. Slager at


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