Miami Presents: Infrastructure for Innovation

Presented on: Thursday, October 17th at 12:00 PM EDT

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The university has had some significant facility projects lately, and they will continue.  The last couple of years has seen two new buildings on campus; Clinical Health Sciences and Wellness and McVey Data Science. These two buildings house programs that are seeing growth and change. Bachelor Hall is now being renovated with new spaces and a new group of programs and departments to create a Humanities Hub.  And less attractive to some, but just as important there are several infrastructure projects that are changing the way the Oxford campus creates and delivers its utilities. 

How does the facility support the programs inside?  How can the university attract students with its infrastructure? How does the physical campus reflect what is happening in the classroom? Miami spends millions of dollars every year on its physical plant. The department of Planning Architecture and Engineering is charged with planning and implementing the construction projects that maintain and build our campuses. As a state institution of higher education the process of that planning and implementation can take years for any one project. Making sure the facilities are supporting the mission of the university is a task that takes resources from across the campus.

This talk will cover some of the facilities projects that are making a difference in the experience of our faculty, staff, and students.

Robert Bell is the University Architect and Director of Planning Architecture and Engineering for the university. He has spanned several roles as student, faculty and now staff in his 23 years in Oxford.  He believes this gives him a unique perspective that serves the Physical Facilities department well.

This event is open to all and free to attend, but registration is required.  Questions?  Please reach out to J.J. Slager at

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