Presented on: Wednesday, December 1st at 11:00 AM CST
Have you always wanted to research your family history but didn’t know where to start? Are you curious about DNA kits? With the multitude of online family trees and records, discovering your ancestors has never been easier - but can seem overwhelming. In this enlightening webinar, Accredited Genealogist professional, Diana Elder, will share specific steps to aid in your research. She will show you how you can organize and track your efforts to simplify your research, create a timeline of your ancestors’ life, analyze records discovered to this point, and determine the reliability of the information that you have found.
About the author: Diana Elder AG is an Accredited Genealogist professional specializing in southern United States research. Diana authored the bestselling book, Research Like a Pro: A Genealogist’s Guide, and co-authored the companion volume, Research Like a Pro with DNA: A Genealogist’s Guide to Finding and Confirming Ancestors with DNA Evidence. Diana and her daughter, Nicole Dyer, are the hosts of the Research Like a Pro Genealogy Podcast and share research tips on their website, Diana regularly teaches at local, regional, and national genealogy conferences. As the co-owner of Family Locket Genealogists, she leads a research team of talented, professional genealogists.
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