Presented on: Thursday, April 9th at 12:00 PM EDT
83% of Americans are stressed out at work and 55% are unsatisfied with their jobs. The impact? Close to a trillion dollars in lost productivity and increased costs. Luckily humor is here to help. People who use humor are more productive, less stressed, and happier. This interactive and experiential program will teach you what humor at work means, why it is desperately needed, and how to use humor to create a positive work culture, increase team productivity, manage stress, and have more fun. In this webinar, you'll learn 30 research-backed benefits of humor, the value of developing a humor mindset and how to start using humor today to work happier and better. Our presenter, Drew Tarvin, is the CEO of Humor That Works, a training company that delivers workshops on using humor to be more effective. His Ted Talk has been viewed more than 6 million times and he is the author of the best selling book Humor That Works: The Missing Skill for Success and Happiness at Work.
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