Presented on: Wednesday, March 24th at 11:00 AM CDT
Sam Walker, author and founding editor of the Wall Street Journal’s sports section, set out on a quest to find out what the greatest sports teams of all time had in common. Fueled by a lifetime of sports spectating, twenty years of reporting, and a decade of painstaking research, he found the most dominant teams in sports history had one thing in common: they each employed the same type of captain—a singular leader with an unconventional set of skills and tendencies. In this deep-dive webinar, Sam Walker shares the seven traits of the greatest captains in sports history--from extreme doggedness and emotional control to a knack for nonverbal communication to tactical aggression and the courage to stand apart. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to identify and cultivate these same types of people in your own organization and how to partner with them to be a more effective leader.
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